Sunday, January 6, 2013

My new book

Hi guys!
I just wanted to let you know that the third book in my Vampire Queen trilogy, Demise of the Vampire Queen is now available.
You can purchase the book at:

The order of the books are:
1. The Vampire Queen
2. The Vampire Chronicles
3. Demise of the Vampire Queen

They are quick reads (only about 84 pages) so pick one up today. I also have 5 other books published and are also available on

Hope you go buy one today!

Keep Writing!
Jodie Pierce

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Author Delia Remington

Hi all!
I would like you to welcome Author Delia Reminton.

She has written a book titled, Ma Cherie Antoniee. Please go here for a sneak peek of her book:

Check her out!