Sunday, August 6, 2017

Immortal Series Book 2

Hi all!!!

Just wanted to give you an update on Book 2, Immortal Desires from the Immortal Series.

It is going to be released on 8/13 (my dad's birthday who passed a little over a year).

This is the book where Larissa and Lance come together as a couple and start slowly exploring each other sexually so while this is not an erotica book, it does have muted sex scenes and is a 18+ book. Also, they are on the run while trying to protect each other. Larissa decides she wants to be a vampire but there's never been a known case of a vampire/dragon shifter and Lance is nervous about doing it. After a short time of luxury with a companion coven leader, Larissa is taken off the grounds, leaving the others behind to figure out the how, who and why.

Here's a reminder of the cover:

Book 3 will be Immortal Vultures and follow the torture of Larissa and the return of Lance to his fathers castle but will he be able to save her in time? Will she be the same person coming out as she went in? Did his fathers Scientists get to her and hurt her? All this is unbearable to Lance. All he wants in the world is to marry her and have their own coven one day in hopes of uniting the vampire covens and dragon clans.

More next time! Until then...

Keep Reading!
Jodie Pierce

1 comment:

  1. Yes, dear, you're in fact immortal, meaning INDELIBLE - just where YOU personally wanna
    reside: in Seventh-Heaven ...or the Abyss
    o'Misery. We all are immortal, dear; God
    made U.S. that way cuz we have a soul thats
    everlasting, infinite --> Im going Upstairs
    and I invite you to follow. Why? Downstairs
    after death aint too pleasant: your soul
    which you steer by YOUR writing goes to the
    place which it feels most comfy in - the
    Trinity's Heaven or Satan's kingdom.
    Solution? Follow us Upstairs:
    ♡ ♡
    Love you.
    Cya soon.
    -GBY x-tra
